Pipe Spray Foam Insulation in Kansas City

Freezing pipes are a major concern for many homeowners. Depending on the location, some of the pipes in your home may be more prone to freezing than others. Pipes that are exposed, pipes in unheated areas, pipes on exterior walls, or any plumbing on the exterior of the home may be more likely to freeze than other pipes in your home. While different precautions may be taken to protect outdoor plumbing and pipework, one way to prevent the interior pipes in your home from freezing during the cold winter months is to invest in spray foam pipe insulation from KC Spray Foam. We are proud to serve the Kansas City, KS area with quality spray foam insulation services for all areas of your home, including your pipes.

Any time that the pipes in your home are located in unheated or exposed areas and the temperature drops to below freezing, the water inside the pipes may freeze, causing the pipe to become blocked, and possibly even to burst. This is especially common in pipes that are located in the attic, crawlspace, and exterior walls. The cold Kansas City winters can cause these pipes to freeze and fail. KC Spray Foam can help to prevent freezing pipes with spray foam insulation to protect the pipes and insulate your home against the cold weather outside. Spray foam insulation can help protect your pipes in the following ways:

In addition to keeping your pipes from freezing this winter, spray foam insulation can reduce the overall draftiness in your home and keep the entire area warmer during the cold winter months.

Spray Foam Insulation Solutions for Frozen Pipes in Kansas City by KC Spray Foam

KC Spray Foam of Kansas City offers two different methods for insulating the pipes in your home. These methods are closed cell spray foam insulation and open cell spray foam insulation. Closed cell spray foam can be used both indoors and outdoors, and provides a great amount of strength and durability, as well as some degree of moisture protection. However, due to the fact that closed cell spray foam is more expensive and less expansive than open cell spray foam, open cell spray foam is generally preferred for indoor applications such as pipe insulation.

Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Kansas City Open cell spray foam is applied as a liquid, with water as the blowing agent, and expands to roughly 120 times it original size in seconds. This allows the spray foam to completely fill and insulate gaps in your homes walls and around the pipes. The great coverage and lower cost of open cell spray foam make it a great solution for winter pipe insulation in your home.

In addition to insulating areas directly around the pipes in your home, insulating the areas where your pipes are located may be a good idea as well, as this will reduce the chances that the pipes will get cold enough to freeze, and will also increase the overall energy efficiency of your home. That is why KC Spray Foam stresses the importance of attic insulation, basement insulation, and crawlspace insulation during the winter time. Insulating these areas will help to keep your home warm and greatly reduce the risk of freezing pipes.

Contact KC Spray Foam today to find out more about our pipe spray foam insulation services this winter for your Kansas City home.