Contractor Licensing: It’s a Great Idea


Recently, we here at KC Spray Foam & Coatings asked our supplier Demilec USA to teach a Continuing Education Unit class. This took place at the Fall Johnson County Licensing Program at the Overland Park Center.

To preface why you should have a contractor licensing program, we will first explain the Johnson County Contractors License requirements. Johnson County in Kansas where KC Spray Foam & Coatings is located requires most types of contractors who pull permits to have a Johnson County Contractors License. This includes but is not limited to general contractors, electricians, and plumbers. Johnson County has done such a great job putting together this licensing requirement that some neighboring jurisdictions don’t even have their own licensing programs. Instead, they require contractors to have the Johnson County License.

One of the requirements to keep your license active is to have at least eight hours of continuing education credits per year. Johnson County is doing a great job at keeping accurate records of who participates by scanning badges when people enter and leave the education classes. This is so the participants do not just show up and leave. While there, you will see general contractors, architects, building inspectors, various subcontractors, and many other construction workers.

Spray Foam Training

Demilac USA was kind enough to send Mac Sheldon, the Director of Training and Communication at Demilac to Johnson County. He is a nationally recognized expert in Spray Foam Insulation. He was brought to Johnson County to teach a four hour class on Spray Foam Insulation. In this class, he covered open and closed cell spray foam, proper application, inspection, thermal barriers, building science of spray foam insulation, pit falls of flash and batt insulation, and many other important aspects of spray foam insulation.

Importance of Licensure

Why is it important to have licensed contractors? It insures accountability. It allows you to know that educated professionals are performing quality work on your projects. Many of these projects affect you and your children, yet you almost never think about it. Alternatively, do you ever question as you drive over a bridge how well it was built? Or when you ride an elevator in a tall building?

You should also think about spray foam insulation in this regard. Having a properly trained professional installing your spray foam is incredibly important. Here at KC Spray Foam & Coatings, we have a thirty-two part in-house training program (as detailed by a blog from our sister company, Iowa Spray Foam) that every single one of our employees has completed or is in the process of completing. This includes the laborers, salespersons, and most importantly the applicators.

We encourage Johnson County to require SPFA trained applicators to be the only people able to install spray foam insulation. Spray Foam Insulation is a very complex process and it requires more than a few YouTube videos for someone to be ready to install it correctly and safely.

Contact us at KC Spray Foam & Coatings for all of your spray foam and coating needs. We guarantee a quality and professional product – installed by educated professionals.