Why does spray foam insulation cost so much?

It’s a valid question when you’re the consumer making an insulation decision and other products like fiberglass and cellulose insulation appear to be priced considerably lower. The higher cost is a result of the materials and equipment needed to install foam insulation properly and safely. But like most products you purchase, what you invest is a direct correlation to what you get. So while insulating foam may be two to three times more expensive in terms of initial costs, you are also making an investment toward energy efficiency that will help your home or building function better for years to come.

If you look at the life of a home, the investment in spray foam insulation will typically be paid in five years or less. More immediately, you will see savings in your utilities in the range of 30% to 50% that begin day one. Want to have a better idea of what your savings might look like? Check out our cost estimator to get a rough idea of savings you can expect based on your specifics.

Spray Foam Insulation Return on InvestmentOverall, spray foam insulation is a lower cost product, and probably the most cost effective product you will put in your home or building. Other selections you might make that are on the pricey side – like a media center or granite countertops – will not offer the ROI spray foam does.

The insulation you choose for your home or business is an important decision as it will impact the way the structure functions, as well as its efficiency. If you’re considering spray foam, but have questions about the product or cost, we would be happy to review your needs and help you through the decision-making process. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you are reviewing bids for your Kansas City insulation, too!