Protect your Home with Attic Insulation in Kansas City.
It has been a bitter winter in Kansas City. Over the past few months we have experienced some significant storms that brought snow, ice and record-low temperatures to the metro. Aside from this weather being unpleasant, it can also cause serious damage to your home. And poor attic insulation can be a leading cause. Consider attic insulation in Kansas City.
During recent storms it’s likely you or someone you know experienced problems as a result of ice dams – a common roof performance problem with heavy snowfall. Ice dams are the result of meltwater from further up a roof that re-freezes lower on the roof. As noted by Building Science Corporation, “the ‘dam’ created by the ridge of ice along the eaves can trap further meltwater and result in significant leakage under and through the roofing, especially shingles and metal roofing.” This can damage your home’s sheathing, roof structure, ceiling and walls below.